Embracing Your Spiritual Heritage: Utilizing the Power of God’s DNA Within You

Do you know who you are? Do you know what's in your DNA? You are a Kings Kind. A Child of the Most High. You have His DNA.

Do you know who you are? Do you know what is inside of you? Do you know what the makeup of your DNA entails? Do you know?  When you know who you are. When you know who is inside of you. When you know, you will be able to accomplish many things. You will be able to walk in the many blessings that God has in store for you. When you know, you will not walk around feeling frustrated and lost. So, I will ask you again. Do you know who you are?

In the book of Genesis chapter two, verse 7, it says, “Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being” (MEV). The LORD God formed man and breathed life into him. That means that man has God inside of him. How many of you are parents? When your child was created. When your child is formed. Your child was created with some of both parent’s DNA.  This child was created with DNA from the mother and DNA from the father. As that child began to grow, they began to emulate some of their father’s characteristics and some of their mother’s characteristics. As the child began to grow, one could see in the child’s outward appearance a resemblance of the father and of the mother. As the child began to grow, one could begin to see mannerisms that were the same as those of the father and mother. The things the child began to say came from its father and its mother. In other words, the child grew and acted a certain way because of their mother and their father. The child acted a certain way because of the DNA inside of them. Whose DNA is inside of you?

In Genesis 2:7 it says that the LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, didn’t you become a new creature? Does not the Holy Spirit reside in you? When you became a new creature, your DNA changed, and you became beloved. You are not like everyone else. You don’t talk like everyone else. You don’t act like everyone else. You have a new footprint. The words you speak are not the same as everyone else. The things you do are not what everyone else is doing. You are doing a new thing. Your bloodline is different. You have the DNA of the Heavenly Father inside of you. It’s time for you to rise up and display the DNA inside of you. Don’t you know who you are…you’re a King’s Kid. The child of the Most High! God placed Himself inside of you. You have the Holy Spirit inside of you. YOU HAVE HIS DNA!

You may sit around going through life feeling down. Thinking it is over. Getting all frustrated when things do not go the way you want them to go. When that spouse starts acting up, you start fretting and worrying about your marriage. When that child doesn’t act right. You cry tears of sadness because you don’t know what to do. When the people on your job start coming for you, you get mad and start responding back unkindly. You start complaining to God about all the things happening in your life. You get to a point where you are ready to give up and just let it all go. You stop praying. You start distancing yourself from God. You start wandering around, providing an opening for the devil to step in and take full control. All the devil needs is a slither of an opening, and he’s got you.  The moment you open your mouth and start to complain, he slides right on in. You forgot whose DNA was inside of you. You forgot who you are in Christ. You forgot who holds your hand. You forgot who can make a way out of no way. Beloved, you forgot. The DNA inside of you can handle all that you are going through. The DNA inside of you can conquer those giants and break all of those strongholds. But if you do not know who you have inside of you, then those giants of doubt and frustration are going to win. You must remember who God is. He is your El Shaddai. You have His DNA inside of you.

Matthew 8:23-27 it says 23 Then He entered the boat, and His disciples followed Him. 24 Suddenly a great storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep. 25 His disciples went to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” 26 He replied, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He rose and rebuked the wind and the sea. And there was a great calm 27 The men were amazed, saying, “What kind of Man is this that even the winds and the sea obey Him!” Do you not know that you have that same power inside of you? The moment you became a new creature in Christ, the power within you was awoken. When God breathed life into you, He breathed Himself into you. This means He breathed His power into you. He breathed His DNA inside of you. You can speak to your situation. Open your mouth and speak. Speak the Word of God over whatever you are going through. Speak the Word of God over your children. Speak the Word of God over your finances. Speak the Word of God over your job. Speak the Word of God over the people coming against you. Speak the Word of God over your husband. Speak the Word of God over your wife. Speak the Word of God. God gave you His power. You are waiting and hoping He will step in. He is saying trust me, have faith, and speak my Word.

How can you speak His Word if you do not know His Word? How can you use the power within if you do not study the Word that gives that power? You have to study His Word. You have to read the Bible. As Christians, we get comfortable. We get busy with life, too busy for God. In doing so, we do not give God His time. We let life take over. We get caught up in our day-to-day lives, and sometimes or often, God is an afterthought. But as soon as we are in a jam, we expect Him to answer right then. We expect Him to come to our rescue. God cannot be second on your list. He must be a priority. If you are not spending time in His Word, then you won’t have the power needed to handle your situation. It’s not only spending time in His Word. It is also attending church and becoming a part of the church body. Utilizing your gifts and talents to help others in their Christian walk. He breathed the breath of life inside of all of us. It is up to us to utilize the gifts and talents He has given us. Not just for ourselves but for others as well.

As you study and meditate on His Word, He will begin to reveal more to you. You will understand how to utilize the power that has been placed inside of you. You will begin to understand the DNA that is inside of you. Understand the world of believers you are a part of. Understand the plan God has for your life. But if you do not know what is inside of you. If you do not know who is inside of you. If you do not know who your Heavenly Father is, how will you be able to walk in the blessings, the overflow, the prosperous life that He has for you? Know your DNA. Explore your DNA. Get into a Bible-based church and align with other believers. Exploring your heritage.  Genesis 12:3 says, “Descendants of Abraham, and in you, all the families (nations) of the earth will be blessed!  And Galatians 3:9 says, “If you are Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to His promise.” Now, if you are heirs according to the promise. Then why can’t you stand on His Word, stop the devil in His tracks, and take authority over your situation? It’s in your DNA. You just need to execute it.

Take your rightful place as heirs to the throne. Take your rightful place as a Child of the Most High. Take your rightful place. Stop that devil in his tracks. Speak to your situation and take authority. You have the power. You have the Holy Spirit inside of you. You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Walk in that today. Speak the Word. It’s in your DNA.

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