WHITE PRIVILEGE? Debunking Myths and Exposing Reality.

How many times have you told yourself, they only got the job because of their privilege?

Privilege for all races is a thing in some way, shape, or form; white privilege is a whole different thing. We give strength to “white privilege”.  

How many times have you told yourself they only got the job because of their privilege? How many times have you thought for yourself that I was overlooked because a white person was a part of the job pool? How many times have you gone into a store and felt overlooked because a white person walked in right behind you? You are not respected because you are a melanin individual. LIES! LIES! LIES! LIES! LIES!

Lies: Fed to us to think less of ourselves.  

Lies: Perpetrated as truth by our ancestors 

Lies: Orchestrated by the devil to keep us fighting against each other

Lies: with a deep-rooted purpose to break the morale of a people

Lies: told to erase the truth of the words – we are “the head and not the tail, above and not beneath…” 

We are all equal in The Creators’ eyes, and the sooner we become aware of that, the sooner we will understand that there was no real bias; they got the privilege because we gave it to them.

They got the job not because of their “privilege” but because when they got into the interview room, what they brought in was their whole truth, their personality…them! What you brought into the interview room was your self-doubt and your preconceived thoughts that you have been dealt a horrible hand, so you have to put on extra personality and educational prowess to ensure they see you deserve that job. Let me tell you a little secret, come closer. I do not want you to miss it – are you ready? the moment you got that call to come for the interview, the employer was already impressed with your qualifications; they called you in to “meet” you – did you miss it? 

• They called you because they wanted to see you and your personality.  

• They needed to see if you were the best fit for their organization.  

• They calling you means they need you to bring YOU! not who you think they want you to be after you walked into the office and saw the other candidates were white, and now you see yourself as less than; you were all contacted by the employer because you have qualification and they were impressed by that.  

You sent out the application in confidence, you accepted the interview with confidence, you got dressed and left your home confident in yourself and knowing “you got this”; the moment you walk into the office/organization, all that confidence gets erased with self-doubt and ridiculous thoughts that the other interviewees are more qualified, seem more confident, have an upper hand – because they lack melanin. Sigh…where did the confidence go?  Erased because of this term called “white privilege.”  Erased because you only feel confident competing against your melaninated counterparts…they are the only ones you are not threatened by. How absolutely depressing…

Melaninated people continue to be blinded that white is right. So, if only white is right, where does black fall? Like a sheep to a slaughterhouse – vegans/vegetarians…just chill – so are black people led blindly down a pathway of destruction. Words perpetrated by a set of people that are threatened by black power.  

1. Black represents POWER 

2. Black represents PURITY 

3. Black is PEACEFUL 

4. Black is JOY 

5. Black is GREATNESS 

a. The most used inventions were created by black people

b. We are the only nation of people that has a whole month dedicated to our history

c. We are the only group of people, even after being mistreated, who have continued to rise above the hate

d. Our heroes are legendary

e. Our contribution to nation-building is priceless

f. We stand out wherever we are – literally!!

I am literally just being as simple as ever about this. My thought on white privilege is – brown people have been socialized to not recognize their own privilege. Remember, during slavery, our ancestors were taught to look down on themselves; they were shown that their skin color dictated their standings in society – back then it would have been true. Look at it this way: everything we know was taught to us by our family first and then society second. Think about it: What child comes out of its mother’s womb wanting to change or fix anything? Does it lack confidence? Knowing the color of their skin and thinking that the baby lying in the next bed is more privileged than them? 

White privilege, in my opinion, is a myth fed to us from the beginning of our socialization and continues to be fed to us right through to adulthood and beyond. Not everything the society or the media say is correct. RENEW YOUR MIND (Romans 12:2) – it is a learned behavior. This kind of mindset will not change until we decide to change, until we decide to live our lives knowing what the acceptable and perfect will of God is and not for the views of others.

Imagine the kind of peace we would have if we started living by God’s rules and our thoughts of ourselves. True freedom is the kind of freedom that keeps us smiling and loving ourselves for who we are and who God created us to be – in His image and likeness, confident in the fact that we were ALL created equal and none above the other – especially not by skin color.

Why is it that whites are so comfortable to own and recognize their privilege? Because that is how they were socialized…so explain this: a child born to a Mexican dad and white mom who presents as white is what, “half privileged?” a child born to two black parents but presents as white is what, black? Where is their privilege? Is white privilege then only for individuals with two white parents? Last time I checked, families aligned to the scenarios I mentioned are still struggling to be identified as a part of a race. How do you then decide who is truly white in order to hand out their “privilege”?  Are you seeing the craziness of the term white privilege? The craziness of the life we have given to the term “white privilege”? 

White privilege is “a social phenomenon” forced on us by liked-minded people/slave masters to keep us believing that because of the color of their skin, the universe has given them more talent or reach than we could ever receive – privilege is such a joke. I remember a conversation I had with a beautiful soul who tried to convince me that white privilege was real. A conversation that led to quietness because I refused to accept the perceived privilege that was being explained so eloquently to me. Imagine the frustration of it all for the individual who was not only a part of that perceived privileged group but also speaking to an individual who comes from a “third world” country that is also perceived to have citizens who are always in need; what a joke. The most poverty I have ever seen that will always be etched in my mind was when I was studying in the United States.

White privilege, get over it! It is a myth, a lie, a story planted in our being by thoughts etched in our ancestors’ minds through slave masters to keep our ancestors believing less of themselves.  Information planted in the minds of “white people” by their ancestors (slave masters) to ensure that their thoughts of their hierarchy would remain long after slavery…2021 and beyond.  

Thank GOD! For my parents, who never allowed us to think less of ourselves but to understand who we are as Mitchell’s/Maroons whose lineage was power and whose strength was never waned. We knew our worth and continue to teach this to our bloodline. Will you continue this legacy for your own generation, or will you continue to be led by the hypnotic teachings passed down by our ancestors? WHITE PRIVILEGE IS A MYTH.  

Robert Nesta Marley (Bob Marley) said, “…none but ourselves can free our minds”.  Let’s begin to free our minds by tapping into the truth of who God created us to be – “…a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light…” (1 PETER 2:9)

This snippet is from my #1 New Release, My Unpopular Opinions About… (September 9, 2021)

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