Psalm 30:5 “For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” NLT
When does morning come? That is the question many ask. They forget what is said before it. All they want to know is this, when is morning coming? When will the suffering be over? When will the pain cease? When will the heartache be gone? When? I used to hear different ones say that scripture many times. They would say you may have to go through but just know weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning. They would bellow it out and it would ring throughout the sanctuary. And then I would hear many shouts of Amen, Amen Pastor. Yes, joy comes in the morning. We are just going to have to hang in there. It is going to be alright after a while. And that is true. But you must understand that you are going to have to go through something to get to the joy.
You may be struggling to pay your bills. Maybe you are in debt, and you are asking where is the joy? You are saying Father I am sad, I’m lonely, where is the joy? Father, the grief is overtaking me where is the joy? I’m fighting to keep my marriage together. Where is the joy? They are attacking me on my job. Where is the joy? I cannot pay the rent. Where is the joy? The car broke down again. Where is the joy? The kids need clothes and shoes. Where is the joy? My husband left me, and I do not have any money to put food on the table. Where is the joy? Whatever the situation is that you are going through. You keep asking where is the joy? When is the morning coming? Some may even say how much longer do I have to go through this, haven’t I been through enough? Come on be honest, I know I have. I have even said out loud okay enough is enough. I cannot take it anymore. Sometimes even I would forget that God is going through this moment with me. I needed to lean on Him. He was and is my strength. While I am going through I can lean on Him.
This scripture is talking about being in the Valley of Baca. All of us must go through the Valley of Baca at some point in our lives. Sometimes we go through it more than once. Your time in the Valley of Baca may be longer than others. And I think that is what bothers some. They look at others and think their lives are so wonderful. They look at what others have, and they wonder why they can’t have those same things. You can have those same things, but you do not know what the Valley of Baca was like for them to get their blessing. You do not know what they went through to get where they are. You do not know their struggle. You do not know their heartache. You do not know how many nights they cried themselves to sleep. You do not know how hard it was for them to pay their bills at one time. You do not know their financial struggle. You do not know.
You must believe that God does not want you to stay in the Valley of Baca. God wants to bless you. He wants you to live a life of abundance. God loves you. You are His child. He does not want you to suffer. Your morning comes when you put your life in His hands and trust Him. Your morning comes when you stop leaning to your understanding. Your morning comes when you stop trying to find the man for you and wait and allow God to bring him to you. Your morning comes when you start walking by faith. Your morning comes when you begin studying God’s Word and you stand on it. You begin applying His Word. Your morning comes when you begin singing songs of praise and not crying tears of sadness. The morning comes when you let go and allow God to do what He does. The morning comes when you stop trying to handle things yourself. That is when your morning comes.
The morning does not come when you want it to or the schedule you have set. It comes in God’s timing. God is time. The morning comes in God’s timing. The morning comes when you begin living life the way God intended for you to live it. That means you are going to have to trust Him. That means you are going to have to put your life in His hands. That means you are going to have to let some things go. That means you are going to have to let some people go. That means your life must change. We say we want to get out of the valley. We say we want things to change. The problem is we do not want to change. We want to listen to others. We do not want to listen to God. We do not want to obey His Word. We truly want to do it our way.
We also must accept that being in the valley is a lesson for us as well. You have challenges and situations in life and sometimes it is because of decisions we have made and when we mess up we want God to fix it. We want Him to come to our rescue. But sometimes you must stay in the Valley of Baca and grow, so when you come out you will be a better person. In the Valley of Baca, this is where your trust in God is tested. This is where your faith is tested. Remember Job. He was tested. He went through the valley, but he stayed true to God. And God blessed him with a double portion of what he previously had. You ask when your morning is coming. It comes when you begin trusting God with your life, with your everything. It comes when you realize that He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. It comes when you realize that He is God Almighty. It comes when you realize that He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. It comes when you realize He is all those things and more. It comes when you begin obeying God. It comes when you begin to praise Him. When you begin to give Him honor and glory.
I remember there was a time in my life when I was truly going through. I recall saying to the Lord “How much longer God, how much longer”? I remember crying myself to sleep. I would remember what the preacher would say when I was younger and what the congregation would say. That weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. I said, “God when does my joy come”. I did not realize at the time that there was a moment that I had to go through. It was a time in life in which I was stretched. I grew in my faith. I grew in my love for God. I grew closer to God. I began to depend on Him more. If the tears began to fall, I would sing a song and I would say thank you, God. Thank you for blessing me. Thank you for keeping me. I would begin giving God praise for everything He has done for me and for everything He would do for me. You see you must thank Him in advance. That is that believing without seeing, I am always talking about, Hebrew 11:1. Unfortunately in the middle of our storms giving Him praise anyhow is forgotten. We want to take the first exit called, what am I going to do now? Then we park and decide to reside on Pity Street while we have a good cry.
Morning does come and the joy is overflowing. It comes in God’s timing, not ours. We may have to endure for a while, just know that God is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. During those times we must gird ourselves up with the Word of God. And sing praises unto the Lord. Believing that during the storm we are not alone. Believing that our morning is coming. Understanding that we are not taking up residence in the Valley of Becca, only passing through. The tears may fall. The struggles may come. Hardships may occur. But joy does come in the morning.
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