Supernatural Event?? Global Computer Outage Leaves Flights and Businesses Stranded

I was one of the unfortunate people immediately impacted by the Global Computer Outage that affected more than 2400 US flights July 19th 2024. Here’s my take on it.

I was one of the unfortunate people immediately impacted by the Global Computer Outage that affected more than 2400 US flights July 19th 2024. Here’s my take on it.

On July 19th, at 7:30 AM EST, still in my bed resting, I was informed that my 12:45 PM EST flight out of Norfolk, Virginia, headed to Atlanta, GA, was canceled. My trip to Virginia was supposed to be short, as I was a guest keynote speaker at a prophetic conference and had spent the previous night in prophetic prayer, praise, and worship! What was supposed to be an 18-hour turnaround trip turned into an extended stay that was out of my control. 

After reaching out to Delta to change my flight, I discovered this was a global issue that affected not only the airlines but also the payment processing systems at the Hotel I was visiting. The outage left me unable to utilize my debit card to purchase essential items like water and coffee for my extended stay.

Of course, like any praying woman of God, I reached out to my family and supporters to ask for prayer and strategy to help me resolve this issue quickly. However, I soon realized that this was more than a global computer outage. This was a supernatural event designed to unleash mass chaos and confusion on the Earth. It also serves as a warning about what’s to come.

Earlier in the year, I had a dream in which God showed me a desolate town. I was in a house with boarded-up windows. People were trying to break in and steal food and Guns. Thankfully, in the dream, we were equipped with what we needed; however, the dream shook me.

When I awoke, I asked God for the interpretation of the dream, and God revealed that what I saw in my slumber, would happen in the near future and that I should start preparing. And I believe that things are about to get much worse. I don’t share this for you to be afraid of the future, but for you to be prepared. Amos 3:7  says – Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.

The scripture serves as a relief to us as believers that before judgment, there will be warnings to prepare us. As a prophet myself, I believe the Lord is saying:

  • Carry cash – have at least $10,000 in cash reserves
  • Keep a full tank of gas in your car in the event of an emergency
  • If you are comfortable with carrying guns – make sure you have plenty of ammo
  • Start stocking nonperishables – items like paper towels, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies
  • Start a garden if you’re able
  • PAY ATTENTION – these things are not random

Again, this list isn’t to cause fear, but to help you keep the mindset and have awareness that something is coming! It’s up to us to pause, and prepare.

Were you affected by the recent global computer outage? If so, let me know in the comments.

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