Career Crossroads: How I Found Purpose and Promotion by Trusting in God

We can trust God with our career. Sometimes we want to go ahead of Him because we are tired of waiting but is it worth it? No. We may have certain desires of where we want to be and when we want to be there but it is God who has the perfect plan. As we pause and acknowledge Him, He is sure to direct our paths. His timing is perfect.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:5&6 NKJV

Several years ago, my leadership position at a faith-based, non-profit organization became routine. I was bored and wanted something new and exciting. I had already spent time learning about the mission of the organization and its administrative systems. I counseled many women and men and gained experience working alongside various personality types. At this point, I could do my job in my sleep.

One day I said to myself, “to grow my career skills and continue growing as a leader, I must seek employment outside of this ministry.” I asked around, searched the internet, and sent out my resume. I received a few offers for an interview but they were scheduled during business hours. What was I to do? I used up all my vacation time. I remember thinking, “I’m not going to lie to get off of work when I’m praying for God to open the door.” What kind of sense does that mean? I felt so anxious and frustrated with the interviewers who would give me an appointment time that fell in the middle of my work day.  The anxiety of trying to figure this out by myself became a burden I was unwilling to carry. So, I stopped. It was too much!

Months later, I received a promotion on my job. A position that I thought would never be an opportunity for me at that organization. I was amazed at what the Lord did to prepare me for this new role.

I learned from this situation that when God has called me into a place of employment, I am to stay until He calls me out. I can trust God with my career. He knows what is best for me. The Bible says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray…, we have our own plans but God ultimately has a plan, and it encourages us to be still and recognize God’s role in our situation.” Had I left my job prematurely, I would not have experienced the abundance of blessings this promotion was to me. This new leadership position was just what I wanted and needed to give me a fresh challenge in my career. I am grateful I waited for the Lord.

Lesson:  Trust God and follow His direction; not your own.

Prayer:  Father, when I get anxious about my present circumstances, remind me that you have made plans to prosper me not to harm me; plans for a hope and a future. I can trust you with all of my heart and even with my career. All of the plans you have for me are good. There is no delay in your promises. You have encouraged me in Your Word that if I delight myself in You, You will give me the desires of my heart. Help me to wait on You, Lord. Your way is prosperous, You are worth waiting for and I can trust that you know what is best for me. In Jesus’ Name Amen!                                                                                                             

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