October is a month when many will begin to see the fruit of the effort that they have been putting in. And for many, it will be a month of overflow, where you will start seeing that you will have excess, that you will have more than enough. It’s important that in this season of overflow, you use wisdom on how you are supposed to spend your money.
God is positioning many of you this fourth quarter for wealth, for there was much character development that had to take place at the beginning of the year in order to get you to this point in October. And so the overflow has an assignment. The overflow has an assignment, and you must be mindful of how you release your funds and to whom and for when because it was given to you for a particular reason.
So this is the season where you need to ask God, Where do I put my money and obey quickly. And for many of you, it might be to invest. It It might be to stock up your homes. It might be to send yourself on a vacation so that you can rest. It might be to pay debt down. Whatever the reason, just make sure you do it.
You’re going to have an overflow in finances and resources, and there’s also going to be an abundance of wisdom distributed to the body. You’re going to have an overflow in ideas. Your dreams are going to be very vivid this month as we enter into the new year. Your dreams are going to be very vivid, and this is not the season to ignore what God is showing to you in your dreams.
Write down every dream in the month of October because God is releasing secrets in your dreams. And so you will need to make that you ask yourself and ask God to bring back to your memory your dreams. And the reason why he’s giving them to you in your sleep is because there’s so much commotion and activity that is happening in the waking hours, and he’s going to minister to you in your sleep.
Be mindful of what you put on your brain right before you go to bed. Be mindful of what you ingest right before you go to bed. Center yourself, relax yourself before you go to bed so that your mind and your subconscious can be clutter free with the ability to receive from Holy spirit.
And so he’s birthing innovation that’s going to last through the next generation. Do not find it strange when you see new concepts, ideas, or strategies you have never seen before. And what you’re going to do with those dreams, you’re going to write them down and you’re going to pray through them and ask Holy spirit what to do with what he has shown you.
For many, he’s going to say, just pray over it. He’s going to tell you, just sit on it. And some, God’s going to tell you, hey, you need to act on this. You want to be mindful of how you are moving when you receive your prophetic instructions in your dreams. He’s also settling hearts and minds. Many of you guys have been anxious, and you’ve been frustrated, and you’ve been a little confused, but you will be settled because you have clarity in the direction and the path. It’s important that God’s people operate from a position of clarity, not from a position of fear, not from a position of anxiousness, not from a position of frustration, but clarity. And so if you have been diligent and honorable in following God, you are about to go into the season that you were literally made for, and you will lack nothing in this season.
This month will still be challenging, and it might even be challenging to watch those who are less prepared than you who did not follow the way of God, but you will have what you need.
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