Releasing control over your finances is hard. We know that God is in control but when the money isn't looking right, our faith falters. Here's how you can combat the battle in your mind over your money.

As an entrepreneur and Kingdom citizen you may experience conflicting emotions to what you’re about to read. Brace yourself. That money sitting in your account, it’s not yours. All of the money you had in the past, the outstanding invoices owed to you, the invoices that you owe, the money you have no idea about in the distant future – none of it belongs to you. But part of you kinda knew that already, right?

Of course you did. But how often do we have to be reminded? Can somebody say every second of every minute of every hour? Because life is life-ing, especially as an entrepreneur. And we forget.

If we know that the money doesn’t belong to us, why do we allow it to define our emotions? When we aren’t quite sure how we will cover upcoming expenses, we become stressed. When we win a large contract or big client, we get extremely excited about the matching check. When we purchase a service that doesn’t meet our expectations, we feel like we wasted money and become irritated. 

My friend, what if I told you that I have a simple but radical solution to regulating your emotions around your finances as a Christian?

What if we learned to be more even keeled about the ebbs and flows of income and leaned into the truth that the money doesn’t even belong to us? Whatever is happening in this moment with the money is part of the assignment. Take your feelings out of it. 

The key is to understand that we are just the handlers. Our job is to leverage money as a resource to advance whatever assignment we are on. That is it. That is all. 

Now, why is this important? It seems so basic. How does this look in practice?

I’m so glad you asked. 

The way to approach this is to give full financial control back to God. hat’s right. You have to give Jesus the wheel for real. You don’t get to keep control of the money and expect God’s hand on it. You have to remove your hands so God can do what He does. Remove the separation of power. Don’t just pray when it’s a last resort. Make the money conversation part of your praying without ceasing.

If you can learn to view money as it should be – belonging to the King, you’ll shift how you approach “your” finances. You will find yourself less stressed when the money is looking funny. 

If it belongs to God, and it looks funny, He’s not done with it yet. God is all powerful, there’s nothing incomplete in His work so..there’s no reason to stress. The appropriate response is go to the owner and find out the plan. He will surely tell you. 

Looking for a guide to help you make the adjustment? Check out Managing God’s Money by Randy Alcorn – available in print and on Audible.

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