

We have all heard the song “His Eye is On the Sparrow”. I remember as a little girl we had this organ in our house. There was a hymn book there to teach you how to play the songs on the organ. One familiar song I loved to play, and sing was “His Eye is On the Sparrow.”

The song begins with:

Why should I feel discouraged?

Why should the shadows come?

Why should my heart feel lonely?

And long for heaven and home?

What is clear in the song is that “His eye is on the sparrow”. If His eye is on the sparrow, why are we feeling discouraged? Why are we feeling lonely? Why are many of us walking around here saying I don’t know what I will do. How am I going to make it? How can I pay the mortgage? How am I going to pay the bills? How am I going to fix my marriage? What stands out in those statements is “I”. What am “I” going to do? If His eye is on the sparrow, then what are you worried about? His eye is on the sparrow.

Maybe we need to clarify what is “The Sparrow”. What is the sparrow? Matthew 6:26, says “Behold look at the birds of the air, for they do not sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns. Yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they”?

So, who is the sparrow? The sparrow is YOU. It is you and me. We are the sparrows. In Matthew 6:26 the scripture tells us that God is providing for them. That He is taking care of them. So, if He is taking care of the birds in the air won’t He take care of you and I? I got news for you today, if His eye is on the sparrow, then His eye is on you.

God is always watching over you. He knows everything you are going through. He knows your mortgage is due and you don’t have the money. He knows you are having trouble in your marriage. He knows that your son or daughter isn’t acting right. He knows the people on the job are messing with you. He knows. Because His eye is on the sparrow. He is waiting for you to reach out to Him. He’s waiting for you to trust Him. You must remove the “I” from the equation and remove it from your mindset. Remove it out of that statement and call on the Lord, because His eye is on the sparrow. His eye is on you.

         My second point is Asking and Believing. Matthew 21:22 says “And whatever you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive”. And Mark 11:24 says “Therefore I say unto you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you will have them”. All you must do is ask and then believe.

Whatever is going on in your life right now. Whatever it is. God is waiting for you to ask Him for His help. And that is such a simple thing to do, all we must do is ask. We always try to make things complicated. God made it so easy. He said whatever you ask for when you pray. That means anything you ask for. And He will supply all our needs.

When God has His eye on you. When you are God’s favorite. When you’re the apple of His eye. When you’re the head and not the tail. When you’re a King’s Kid. When your daddy has mansions and streets paved with gold. When He has more riches than you can count. When your Heavenly Father has a watchful eye on you. You don’t have any financial strain. You don’t have to worry about where the money is coming from. You don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. You are so blessed that you are even able to be a blessing to someone else. When your Father has His eye on you…Everything is going to be alright. Because He’s watching over the sparrow.

My third point is Having faith and giving Him praise and Thanksgiving. In the middle of your storm, give him thanks. In the middle of your storm give Him praise. Give Him praise and Thanksgiving even if you don’t see it and it hasn’t even happened yet.

            How many of you know about that Thomas kind of faith and that Abraham kind of faith? Thomas had to see it first before he would believe it, and Abraham believed without seeing. You see when you have faith, you don’t have the Thomas kind of faith. Where you must see it before you believe it. You have the Abraham kind of faith. Faith is when you believe it without seeing it.  The scripture tells us in Heb 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” My God is not going to lie, and his Word does not lie. If you believe His Word, then why are you still wondering what you are going to do? How can you quote scripture if you don’t believe what you’re saying? You can’t just say it…You must believe it.

I remember one night in my hotel room in Maryland, I was talking to the Lord, and I was telling Him about my finances. And I said “God I’m here doing what I feel I have been charged to do taking care of my uncle, but you know I don’t have much money to buy something to eat while I’m here or money to buy gas. Your word says all I need to do is ask and believe, then I will receive it. I must have faith that I will receive it. I’m asking now God for you to help me, please. I need food to eat, and gas to get around and get back home. I ask that you watch over my vehicle to give me safe travel and protect me while I’m here and on my way back. I then said I love you, Lord, I thank you and it is done. Amen”.

My last thought as I drifted off to sleep was that of faith. My mind was on faith. Not Thomas’s kind of faith but Abraham’s kind of faith. I went to sleep believing that God heard my cry, and He was going to answer my prayer. I went off to sleep and during the night I heard the faint sound of my phone beeping. I did not look at it and decided it could wait until the morning. If it was an emergency, then they would have called. When I woke up the next morning there was a text message saying I had been cash app $200. I screamed JESUS and began to cry. Just like that in a matter of moments while I was sleeping God was working. You see His eye was continuously on me. He was taking care of his sparrow. He was taking care of me. He answered my prayer. His eye is on the sparrow, and I KNOW HE WATCHES OVER ME!

I’m telling you what I know, not what I think. Not what I hope will happen. I’m telling you what I KNOW will happen without a shadow of a doubt. I’m here to tell you, that God sees your struggles. He sees your heartaches. He sees your good times and your bad times. His eye is on you. If His eye is always on me, then His eye is always on you. He’s got you, all you must do is call on Him.

Stop the woe-is-me mentality. Fretting and stressing about the challenges you are going through in your life. When God’s got His eye is on you. Come on now. The enemy has got you twisted. Straighten yourself up as they say in the military “A-ten-hut”. Get it together. Stand up tall and say “I know a man that covers me. I know a man that can supply all my needs. I know a man that can bring me through”. What does the Word say in Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”.

What am I saying? I’m saying you must believe that you are that sparrow, that God has His eye on you. You must ask and believe. You must act and give Him praise.

The song goes on to say after “Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home”:

When Jesus is my portion,

Jesus is your paycheck! Jesus is your children coming under control. Jesus is that marriage aligning upright. Jesus is your mortgage payment. Jesus is your car payment. Jesus is your way maker! Jesus is your everything! Jesus! Just call on Him. He is your portion. He is your way maker. He is your everything. He is your accountant. He is your doctor. He is your friend. Oh, the song says His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches over me. Oh, I love this part in the chorus:

My constant Friend is He;

When Jesus is my portion

I sing because I’m happy

I sing because I’m free

For His eye, his eye is on the sparrow,

And I know, I know He watches over me.

You must know that He watches over you. You ought to have a smile on your face. You ought to have joy in your heart. You must know that He’s got you. You must know that His eye is on the sparrow. Which means His eye is on you. Remember the sparrow is YOU.

Lisa Dula

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