Categories: Ministry

Expose the Enemy In Your Life

There are times in our lives when we are in agreement with the enemy and know he has taken up residence within. We rather live a lie instead of facing the truth. We would rather hide, pretend as if we have it all together and keep up the façade. We can be so quick to get angry with someone and turn our backs on them. You have every right to do that but the one who we need to be mad at is Satan. Exposing the enemy in our lives can be a scary thing to do. The devil is the one who uses people to mess up people. So, if you want to get mad at someone get mad at the devil because he is the one who has hurt you through a hurting individual. He is the one who has you messed up and your family. He is the one that has stolen your health. He is the one who has your mind all confused. He is the one that wants you to stay stuck in your past. We give power to the enemy over us when we don’t expose what he has done to us through others. I want you to know that we all have an enemy. Our enemy does not care what age, gender, financial status or ethnic background you are. Everyone is fair game. Our enemy Satan himself is after everyone; no one is exempt. He will try to steal your life while you are in your mother’s womb until the day you leave this earth whether you are heaven or hell bound. He sits back and watches us, scheming a plan and waiting for us to open a door for him to come in and take over our lives to the point that we don’t have any control of it.

He knows all of our past sins, mistakes and hang-ups. He will infiltrate our lives so bad until we don’t even recognize ourselves. He does not like mankind. As a matter of fact, he can’t stand us and he wants to take us out! We as a people can walk around and worry about what someone has said about us or have done to us. The devil is ready, willing and able to come right on in and take up his abode through offense, trauma, and life circumstances. He will seize every opportunity. So, don’t worry about what man can do to you! Worry about your true enemy and what he can do to you. He will use anyone to get to you. He will use those that are the closest to you too. He will use family to hurt you. He will use the closest of friends to betray you. Take a serious look within and consider how you are feeling and view your experiences in life. God is light and truth. The enemy is darkness and lies. Which way are you being pulled to? Are you being pulled towards God or further away from Him?

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

The enemy’s sole purpose is to steal from you, kill you, and ultimately destroy you. Turn all of your anger on the devil so you can be absolutely free. We represent what he will never be able to do again. He once was the chief musician in heaven and he let pride enter in thinking he could exalt himself above his maker. “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations (Isiah 14:12). God kicked Satan out of heaven and he wants to keep you in the dark. He doesn’t want you to make it to heaven. He wants you to go to hell with him and live forever in torment. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10). You see Satan knows his future. He wants you not to speak about what has happened to you in your life and to stay bound by him. The devil wants you to stay angry, apart from those who love you, living with unforgiveness, and away from the church. Ephesians 5:11 says, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” We are to have no fellowship or communion with worthless deeds that do not benefit us. When we hold onto the offense, trauma, or life experiences that have caused us so much pain we are literally having fellowship with it because it dictates how we interact with others. All relationships are handled through past pain. I challenge you today to expose the enemy in your life. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and confess it and release it so you can be free. Release and forgive those who have hurt you. Don’t allow anyone or situation to control you. You may wonder why I say this. If you see them how does it make you feel? Do you avoid them? Do you get sick to your stomach? Do your heart race or your palms get sweaty? You have given them control over you and in order to get your control back you must expose it. It’s time to bring it to the light, the forefront, and shed the truth of God’s word on the situation whatever it is. Jesus came to set the captives free! I had to expose the enemy in my life and my past trauma no longer controls me. I refuse to be bound by the enemy any longer and allow him access to my life. Tell the devil access is denied! God has healed and restored me and He can do it for you to because He is no respecter of persons. All I can tell you is that it feels good to be free in Jesus. If God did it for me and will do it for you too. Now go do what you know you need to do and expose the enemy in your life. “Expose It!”

Ivy Caldwell

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