Finding Clarity in Faith: Navigating Life’s Trials with God’s Vision

When we are going through a trial or storm it could leave us at a loss for words or dumbfounded. We may wonder how did I get here. What in the world is going on? We can’t believe that we are in this place of being tested and tried. As a child of God, we must learn how to see God in the middle of the trial. We must remember God is in control at all times and He is perfectly aware of what we are going through. He wants us to come to Him boldly for strength, comfort, and direction for our next steps. When we begin to think like God does we will be able to see as He does. One thing is for sure and that is God does not make mistakes and He knows exactly what He is doing. It’s our job to trust Him completely and ask Him to help us to clear up our vision so we can clearly see what is before us. God is at work in our lives, He is shifting things around, shaping and molding us into who He wants us to be. He wants to be able to see clearly within our hearts.

As a child of God, we must learn how to see God in the middle of our trials. When we are going through a trial, test, or storm, we begin to think about why we are going through this. When we are going through a trial or storm it could leave us at a loss for words or dumbfounded. We may wonder how we got here. What did I do? How long will I be in this place? What in the world is going on? We can’t believe that we are in this place of being tested and tried. We begin to reflect on some choices we have made and what we need to change.  We may begin to seek God for an answer or not.

The other day I was in another room in my house that I am not usually in and I needed my eyeglasses which I left upstairs. I thought to myself, “Don’t I have an extra pair of eyeglasses somewhere?” I know I do because I left that pair of extra pair downstairs for when I need them. I don’t wear my glasses all of the time. I only need them to see at a distance. So, I went looking for the pair I tucked away and I had three old pairs of eyeglasses. I proceeded to try them on and oh no! I quickly removed the glasses because I couldn’t see anything through them. LOL, LOL, LOL. I tried on the second pair, and oh no! I can see better without these old things. Then I tried on the third pair, and they were a keeper. I then proceeded to throw the other two pairs away. As I looked in the garbage can in my office, a message came to me that quickly.

When I first began wearing glasses, I didn’t like them, I had to get used to them, and it was an adjustment. They finally became a part of me and I wear them most of the time even though I don’t need them. The same thing with life experiences and the unexpected. We don’t like when it happens, we have to get used to life with the change as we navigate through it as our new normal or a season that we are going through.

The old eyeglasses no longer have a purpose. All they were doing was taking up space and collecting dust. They are no longer valuable to me, and I can let them go. I can toss them in the trash now. They served the purpose they were created for, and that season of my life is over.

There are some experiences that we have had in life that were life-altering, and we still cling to the emotions of it, the trauma of it, and live a life as if we are still in that place. We are no longer there physically but mentally and emotionally; they have shaped the way we think, the way we treat others as suspects, and how we live our lives day to day. That past experience has consumed our lives and taken its toll. It no longer serves us, but for whatever reason, we can’t seem to let it go. It’s as fresh as if it had happened yesterday. We tend to hold what has happened so close that we no longer can see clearly. We only see through that experience which no longer exists. I can confront it, toss it out, and get over it, but I choose not to. It’s your choice to decide when to get rid of whatever it is that is keeping you stuck to that season in your life that is over. Seasons change continually and we should be changing, growing, and maturing as well.

There are things in our lives that we need to let go of, but for whatever reason, we choose to hold on to them or know full well that it is causing us damage. There are some relationships that are not good for us. We should strive to be in relationships that hold us accountable and not in our comfort zones. We have a choice to make: will we continue to do things the same way that gets the same results, will we stay in the same place, or are we ready to do things differently, move out, move up, and move forward? Let’s check our vision so we can clearly see what is before us, hindering us, what is stopping us, and what is not for us. Let’s get rid of all of the excuses and do the required work to get the results we want to see in our lives. As long as we have learned from our experiences, it’s a good thing. What will you do differently when going through your next trial until you get to the other side? See God, stay close to God, and look to Him for answers because God will direct you to see His will being done in your life.  

We must remember God is in control at all times and He is perfectly aware of what we are going through. He wants us to come to Him boldly for strength, comfort, and direction for our next steps. When we begin to think like God does we will be able to see as He does. One thing is for sure, and that is God does not make mistakes, and He knows exactly what He is doing. It’s our job to trust Him completely and ask Him to help us clear up our vision so we can clearly see what is before us. God is right there with you. He is not only in the middle of it. He orchestrated the trial just for you. God is at work in our lives, He is shifting things around, shaping and molding us into who He wants us to be. He wants to be able to see clearly within our hearts.

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