The one asking the question is God. He wants to know DO YOU LOVE HIM? If God was standing in front of you today and asked you that question what would your response be? Would He be able to see it?

Do you love ME? If you notice the ‘me’ in the statement is capitalized and bolded. Do you love ME? If you do love ME, then how do you know you love ME? Why do you love ME? How do you show you love ME? And beloved if you do love ME, then why can’t I see it?

Maybe we need to clarify who is asking the question. The one asking the question is God. He wants to know DO YOU LOVE HIM? Now I’m certain that when asked that question, your response is going to be “Yes”. Yes, Lord, I do love you. I am not questioning whether you do or not. But if God was standing in front of you today and asked you that question what would your response be? Would He be able to see it? Our actions may speak louder than words.

We know God loves us. Not just because of His actions but because His Word tells us so. In Psalms 86:15 it says, “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness”. (NIV)

God is compassionate and gracious towards us. He is also faithful. He is faithful, but are you? Do you drop Him as soon as everything is going alright? Do you only go to Him when you need something? He showers us with compassion and grace and FAITHFUL LOVE. He is consistent, he doesn’t withhold it from us. But do you reciprocate? Or do you show your love only when the chips are down, and you need something? Are you faithful only when you need his help?

God knows how important we are to Him. He gave His only son for us. Just how important is He to you? Or is He even important at all? Is He important to you only when you need something? Is He important when you have gone to everyone else, and they have failed, and He is your last resort? When God should be the only option you chose.

First Point: Are you faithful or are you spoiled? For those of us who have children, it is up to us to take care of them and supply their every need.  There are sometimes though when our kids may think we are the ‘gimme man’. To the point where your kids are always asking for something and expecting you to always give it to them. In which it comes a time when they stop appreciating what you are doing for them. So much so that they get what we call spoiled. They feel entitled and that we should never say no. But when we ask them to do their chores, they get an attitude or do not want to do it all. In the middle of witnessing their attitude and the behavior they are displaying; you wonder where love is. Don’t they Love me, I do everything for them, and they can’t even clean their room or do their homework. Or they have the nerve to talk back to me and give me attitude. Where is love? When you continue to see this type of behavior you begin to ask yourself that question of your children…Do you love ME? Or do you just love what I can do for you?

Guess what, God is asking the same question…Do you love ME? Or do you just love what I can do for you? He is our Heavenly Father, and we are His children. And when we treat Him the way that our kids treat us…it hurts, and he begins to question…Do we love him or just what He can do for us? When we begin to question what is going on in our lives or the path that God has us on. We begin to doubt Him and question Him. Like the Children of Israel did when Moses was leading them to the Promised Land. They began to question the path they were on, questioning God. Did they forget that He was still providing for them? He was still taking care of them. Where was the love?

When your child does not show you love and respect, you still take care of them, no matter what their actions are. They may not get the fancy toy or whatever they are asking for, but as their parents you do take care of them. It is the same with our Heavenly Father, no matter how we treat Him, He still loves us. He will still take care of us. He still loves us unconditionally. He will still be there when we need Him no matter how we treat Him.

Lamentations 3:22-23 says 22“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”. (ESV)

Our Heavenly Father is faithful. His love never ceases, it is continuous, and He shows it every day. John 3:16 says it all. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. (NIV) God’s love is that expensive…that true…that rich…that loving…that kind…that generous. He gave His only son for you and me.

He is saying that is how much I love you. They nailed his son to a cross for you and me. His arms were stretched wide…that’s love. A crown of thorns placed upon his head for you and me…that’s love. And when his time had come, he fulfilled the prophecy and hung his head down and died for you and me…that’s love. How many of us would do that same thing? Would you give your son or daughter if God asked you to? That is how deep God’s love goes for us. He wants us to understand that He loves us that much. But He does wonder if we love Him that much.

God shows us that He loves us not just by His words but also by His actions. He is not a talker he is an action-doer. He puts His words into action. When you tell him you can’t pay your light bill what does he do…He Goes into action. He pays that light bill or buys your groceries if you need them. He covers your car payment. He gives you debt cancellation, and He gives you the desires of your heart…and sometimes you don’t even say thank you. He’s saying I do all that for you…but do you love ME.

If you love me then why don’t you come to church regularly or even at all? If you love me then why don’t you read my Word every day or even at all? If you love me then why don’t you attend bible study or even at all? If you love me then why don’t you socialize with other believers? Why don’t you help at church events…if you love ME? Show me that you love me. I mean you said you loved me right…Do you love ME?

Do you love ME, or do you just love what I can do for you? All I ask is for you to give me praise and thanksgiving. That’s all I ask, use your mouth, your arms, your legs, your feet, and your time…give me praise that’s all I ask. My word in Psalms 150:6 says “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” (NIV)

Is that so hard to do? I bless you with the desires of your heart. I gave you your big mansion, your nice car, the overflowing bank account, your new promotion. And the moment you received it, you forgot all about me. That is until the IRS comes, or the bank loan officer comes, or that divorce is on the horizon, or the kids aren’t acting right, the lights are about to be turned off. You can’t pay the mortgage, or you can’t make your car payment. Suddenly you love me again…you need me.

Don’t just love me and need me when times are hard. Love me and need me when times are great, and the struggle is not there. I want you to love me when you are celebrating that huge account. Love me during the celebrations and good times. Love me when your marriage is strong. Love me when your fellow man finds ME, and they love me too. Love me through all things, not when it’s hard. Through all things, give me honor, praise, and glorify my name. If you love me then show me.

My second point is this…if you love me then why don’t you trust me? There is a game show called Who Wants to be a Millionaire? There are three things in the game that the contestant can use when they need some assistance with answering a question. They are called lifelines. The lifelines are Fifty-Fifty, Phone a Friend, and Ask the Audience.  God said when you are going through life, I am watching you. I see that your world is getting cloudy, and the rain is falling from the tears pouring from your eyes. Your world starts turning upside down. Why is it that instead of calling me, making me your first choice, you choose one of those lifelines and you decide to phone a friend, and that friend isn’t ME?

Why is it that the lifeline you choose to use is fifty-fifty, and you are headed down a path directed by Satan instead of choosing the path I have chosen for you? You decide not to head towards ME. Maybe you think it’s easier. Whatever the reason you should have chosen me 100% ME. Why take all the other lifelines but the one that leads to ME? Don’t you trust ME? Don’t you love ME? Why wouldn’t you make ME your lifeline?

If you loved me, you would trust me. If you loved me, you would make me your lifeline. If you loved me, then you would make me the head of your life. If you loved me, you would believe I am your everything. There is a song that the Chicago Mass Choir sings called “God is My Everything”. He’s my rock, He’s my joy, He’s, my shelter. If God is your everything, why do you not show Him? Why don’t you trust Him? Why don’t you show Him that you love Him?

The question remains the same. Do you love ME and if that answer is yes, then read my Word consistently meaning every day let it mediate in your spirit and become one with you. If that answer is yes, then love your fellow man as I love you. If that answer is yes then must attend church regularly, attend bible study regularly, attend church functions, and volunteer your gifts. If the answer is yes, then walk in the anointing I have placed on your life. Don’t deny the gift, embrace and become the man or woman of God I have called you to be. If the answer is yes, then help me build my kingdom. Evangelize about my goodness and mercy. If you love ME then show ME. Give me honor, praise, and glory every day. When you wake up in the morning tell me thank you. When you go to bed at night tell me thank you. Beloved if you love ME…then show ME.

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