Divine Whispers: The Voice That Changes Everything

Divine whispers -ear buds hearing from God
The times we are living in can be unsettling. It doesn’t mean that it has to cause anxiety. As people of faith, our trust in God should supersede all the chaos in the world. The question is, are we listening to what God is saying to us at this time?

The times we are living in can be unsettling. It doesn’t mean that it has to cause anxiety. As people of faith, our trust in God should supersede all the chaos in the world. The question is, are we listening to what God is saying to us at this time?

Read 1 Samuel 3

1 Samuel 3 speaks of Samuel learning to hear from God. In verse 1, it reminds us that the Word is precious… rare. The world has strategically eradicated God and His word from every area of life, including school, media, sexual identification and activity, the definition of marriage, and the sanctity of life issues, to name a few. We see so much that is in direct contradiction to what God says is right. God’s word is a divine directive so that we can enjoy a life filled with prosperity. That includes not only financial gain but health, peace, a good journey and so much more.

Samuel didn’t have the benefit of knowing from the outside what was true and right from the Author. The wisdom and God’s direction had been sparse at that time. When our ears are attuned to the creator, we have divine revelation and move differently. We should hold dear what God says! It is a serious matter; life and death! Are your ears ready to receive?

In verse 4, Samuel hears God calling. The sound was familiar; comforting and not startling. The trusted spiritual leader was his first point of contact. Often, our leaders will direct us appropriately, and that is good. It’s those that are not following God’s word that pose a problem and are detrimental to our future. As believers, we know the Bible tells us that we will know the tree by the fruit that it bears (Matthew 7:17,18; Luke 6:43). If the one you are following is going against God’s word… they are not God’s spiritual leader and shouldn’t be yours! Let me be crystal clear… Miracle Water, Miracle Virus Oil, Anointed Oil, Prayer Shawls and other items sold to heal or help you gain money are NOT of God.

Is healing available, ABSOLUTELY! Is financial prosperity a birthright for the believer? YES! But those who are pimping God’s word and miracles for their own gain are doing a disservice to the people of God and the name of the Most High. It’s time that we wake up and see a charlatan for what he is and be wise enough to not buy into their schemes. It’s time to re-evaluate our allegiances and align with God. Let’s have the faith to receive from God and not look for a workaround. Giving an offering and turning around 7 times is not going to get you out of debt! Faith and works are required. You can get out of debt!! Following God’s principles will allow you to live in freedom and walk victoriously.

In verse 7, we see that Samuel hadn’t experienced the Lord for himself. Many today haven’t developed that personal relationship with God either. Maybe that’s why the relying on others and subsequent fueling of the fleecing of the flock. We need to hear God for ourselves. Samuel’s response should be our response, “Here I am”!

During this time of realignment, ask God to speak to you.

  • Ask God to show you where you are wasting money
  • Do you have your priorities out of order?
  • Who you are taking for granted?
  • When are you not grateful? and
  • What can you do to be a better servant?

When asking, believe that you will not only be heard but also receive an answer (1 John 5:14,15). In verses 9-10, Samuel cries, “Speak Lord, your servant listens”. Let’s make the same cry and write down God’s reply.

Here’s a challenge: Why do you want to be financially successful? Answer honestly. Write it down. Now ask yourself again using the previous answer, why? Keep asking yourself based on the last response at least 7 times. This will uncover your why and give you much needed insight to empower you to be successful. Some have revealed they wanted to appear like others in their neighborhood. Others are trying to overcome prejudices from the past, proving that they matter. Many determined that they had a love for money. Let’s be clear again… appearance and keeping up with the Jones’ is not sufficient. 

Consider another subject like relationships. Do you have the right people at your table? Are they supportive? Who do you run to for advice? Who is your mentor? Are you divinely aligned with your purpose and are those around you divine connections? Again, go 7 levels deep asking why. Why do you put up with those that mean you no good? Why are you continuing to stay around? Why can’t you establish boundaries and stick with them?

You were created special and unique. What God has planned for you exceeds what you can imagine. If others have a problem, don’t take it onto yourself. You matter and are very important to God. He sent Jesus to die for YOU! Let prejudices die and live in the present. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. The love of money has been the root of all evil and bad decisions since the world began. View money as a resource to be used to do good and not use people to get money.

Is your motive for gaining financial abundance right in God’s eyes? The Bible says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children (Proverbs 13:22). Are you wasting money or are you future focused? Do you have long-term and short-term goals? Do you have a savings and an emergency fund? Are you adequately working and paying your bills?

It’s time to hear from the Lord.

In the remaining verses, God reveals Himself to Samuel giving him direction (vs. 11-14) as a result of being willing to hear and speak on His behalf (vs. 19-21). The big take away is that God will speak and give direction. He will also establish you as one of His own.

This is the time for the child of God to be the beacon of light for others to follow. Your challenge:

  • Let your light shine before men that they come to us asking what manner of man is this that you serve. 
  • Do so much good that others flock declaring how God has blessed you.
  • Be so abundantly blessed in all aspects of life that those in the world want what you have. 
  • Represent our King and the Kingdom so well that you are like that city set on a hill. 
  • Get your life together in every area… faith, family, and finances. Praise God in advance for helping you make the changes necessary. 
  • Thank Him for sending the right teachers because you, as a student, are ready. 
  • Give Him the glory for what He is doing in your life and how He will use you to bless others. 
  • Tell someone else so that they won’t be lost. 
  • Go into all the world and share the good news. 
  • Look in the mirror, examine yourself and determine to make a change. 

God desires an intimate relationship with us. This means carving out time and being intentional. Here are some items to add to your to-do list to increase your ability to hear:

Ask God for direction

Determine SMART Goals

Discover your WHY

Realign to God’s priorities

Add works to your faith

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