First of all, let me say that I do not have anything against anyone who chooses to live this way. I love you all with the love of God and I pray for your deliverance. God created us all as free moral agents with the ability to make decisions. What does the Bible say about homosexuality or an alternative lifestyle? Let’s look at the word alternative. Alternative means a choice limited to one of two or more possibilities. When someone is coerced, forced, or chooses an alternative lifestyle that means that they don’t abide by the original lifestyle. The original lifestyle is a man and a woman. We all have a choice to make in life. If you choose an alternative lifestyle that is your choice. I do have some questions for you though. I was browsing through social media one day and I saw this statement. It’s a statement to get you to think about something. I want you to think about something. “I am going to just drop this right here”.
If you are at peace with your decision God bless you and what I have to say shouldn’t matter to you one way or another. If you don’t have peace in your heart, I challenge you to ask yourself a question seriously. “Why did I really choose this life instead of the original lifestyle of being married to the opposite sex instead of being drawn to the same sex?” If you go back and take an honest look at your life and what has happened to you in your past you will see that you were hurt somewhere down the line by someone. Someone was being used by the devil and violated you as a child. With a false sense of protecting yourself, you have made a choice to live the way you are living. You don’t want to be hurt anymore and I get it. We live in a fallen world and we are all prone to be hurt by someone. I want you to know that you have to deal with the hurt or it will always be in the back of your mind dealing with you subconsciously. It will not go anywhere and you will go through life pretending that you are okay when you are dying on the inside. You will be in and out of relationships until you deal with your issues and confront them! You may choose to stay in your alternative relationship because you refuse to deal with your past hurts and that is your choice.
This is what the Bible says, “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them” (Leviticus 20:13). In the Old Testament times people were put to death for committing such acts. Today it is accepted as a normal part of society because of the law of inclusion. There have been some cases in which people have had a physical death by way of sickness and disease because of homosexuality. Then there is a spiritual death and sin separates us from God.
Some of you may be thinking I don’t want any children. Well, why is that? You really have to look internally to see why that is. Is it because of how you were treated as a child? Are you afraid you wouldn’t be a good parent? Is it because of the things you witnessed as a child? Who has hurt you so bad for you to have that type of opinion about children? Sounds like you have some serious soul-searching to do and healing. Some of the hurt you have experienced in your life was not your fault. In some of the choices you have made you went in knowing exactly what you were doing. The person who has violated you will have to give an account for what they have done to you. Don’t think they have gotten away with it because God will deal with them in His timing and in His own way.
Then you have those that say I was born this way. Excuse me for my frankness but what is between your legs and what was it created for? It was not created for you to use as you wish but to use as God created it to be used. Then you have those who live this way and say that “Love is God”. That is not what the Scripture says, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” (I John 4:8). God is love and only God can love you back to life. Only God can love you enough to have the right frame of mind. Only God Almighty can deliver you from the snare of the enemy. I tell you the truth, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites” (I Corinthians 6:9). Turn from your alternative lifestyle before it’s too late! “Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body” (I Corinthian 6:18). You are sinning against your own body when you live like this. Yes, God loves you but He hates the sin and sin separates us from God because He is a holy God.
Why is it that anyone who chooses to live an alternative lifestyle actually begins to have the appearance of the opposite sex and sound like them too? Did you know that there is a penalty associated with this type of alternative lifestyle?” Let’s see what Romans 1:26-28 has to say, “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;” If you don’t want to honor and obey God he will allow you to live out life the way you want to. There is a penalty that is coming to you and it is due. I implore you by the Spirit of God to repent and come out from among them! Sever those ties with those who have helped you to become bound by the enemy, cry out to God and ask Him to take that spirit away from you, find yourself a Bible-teaching church to get grounded and rooted in God’s love and word. Your deliverance will be a process! The enemy will fight you because he does not want to let you go because you belong to him right now.
The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever they may be, will have to pay the penalty for leading you down the wrong path. It’s time to move past your past. It’s time to move past your present and it’s time to move into your future. My heart goes out to children who grow up in a homosexual home. They grow up in confusion and don’t get to see what God intended the original family to be which is one man married to one woman. When you have a family with the same sex as parents and they want the child to call one of them the opposite title as father or mother that is confusing for a child. A man is a father and a woman is a mother. I am not saying that the children are not loved nor am I saying a child is not loved in any other type of family but what I am saying is that they only see one way of living before them. A child needs to have an impartation from a father (man) and a mother (woman).
Children are a blessing from the Lord. Children need direction and boundaries from their parents. Today we are in a culture of inclusion and sensitivity. With the culture we are living in we have to be sensitive to everyone’s opinions, lifestyle and not offend anyone. Parents your children are not your friends. So, what if they get mad at you and don’t talk to you for a few days? I have been there and done that. You know that they will get over it and come back to you because you are their parents and you know what’s best for them. Not only do they need you they will be asking you for something before you know it anyway. Let them stay mad and believe me they will get glad again.
Why would a parent allow a child to dress as the opposite sex? Why would a parent allow a child to have a sex change operation? The child’s brain isn’t even fully developed and you let them take the lead in who they want to be. A parent is an adult who leads, instructs, corrects and there are times you have to make decisions your child will not agree with. This will not be the first time they will not agree with you and be mad at you. This world is cruel and will take advantage of your child with the perversion that is running rampant in our land. God desires that we all live according to how He created us. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman embracing all her femininity and there is nothing more powerful than a man walking in his masculinity.
God desires to heal your soul and restore your self-worth. I can remember feeling so low that I didn’t appreciate who God created me to be. I will continue unfolding my story so keep following along. Until then I pray that you have a divine encounter with God and that He sets you absolutely free.
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