When we are going through a trial or storm it could leave us at a loss for words or dumbfounded. We may wonder how did I get here. What in the world is going on? We can’t believe that we are in this place of being tested and tried. As a child of God, we must learn how to see God in the middle of the trial. We must remember God is in control at all times and He is perfectly aware of what we are going through. He wants us to come to Him boldly for strength, comfort, and direction for our next steps. When we begin to think like God does we will be able to see as He does. One thing is for sure and that is God does not make mistakes and He knows exactly what He is doing. It’s our job to trust Him completely and ask Him to help us to clear up our vision so we can clearly see what is before us. God is at work in our lives, He is shifting things around, shaping and molding us into who He wants us to be. He wants to be able to see clearly within our hearts.