Being Strong During the Sifting Process

Sifting is a method used to smooth out the flour before baking. The flour is measured out and placed in a metal sifter with very tiny holes in it. The sifter is held over a large bowl. The flour is poured into the sifter and movement is made to sift the flour through the tiny holes. This removes all the lumps and clumps. Whatever is remaining in the sifter is discarded. What is in the bottom of the bowl is a consistency so smooth to be used however needed. You are the flour and God is the sifter. He’s trying to build you up and make you stronger, even through your circumstances.

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Embodying Servant Leadership: A Guide to Leading with Compassion and Purpose

"Being a Servant Leader" is about zeroing in on being a servant leader like Jesus. Emulating the characteristics that he demonstrated as a servant leader. Such showing compassion, being a good listener and follower and being a coach. Striving to the be the best you can be for yourself and your team.

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Empowering Your Faith: The Key to Unlocking God’s Promises

"Activate Your Faith" is about standing on the Word of God and believing and trusting the Lord to answer your prayer. Realizing that God is waiting on you to do your part. You can't just cry out to Him and sit and wait. You have to stay immersed in God's Word and use it guide you through life.

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