Repentance Leads to Renewal, Reconciliation and A Renewed Commitment – Part 2

We must be intentional in searching our hearts to see how far we have strayed away from God, to see what things we have left undone, what relationships need to be restored, and who we need to forgive. As we turn back to God with our whole hearts. We look at those areas in our lives that have been long overdue to get a checkup. Have you ever put off an annual checkup at the doctor? You know you need to go, but just don’t get around to it. There are times because of a lack of due diligence, the doctor may give us a not-so-favorable report. As we come to the end of the year, I believe that the Lord has been tugging at our hearts. We have been looking in the mirror of the Word, and what we see hasn’t been lining up with the Word. We don’t like it, and we are going to make changes to get right with God. When we ask God to search us, He will do just that. We want our minds to think as God does and not the world. We are asking God to reveal to us those hidden sins we aren’t aware of. We just want to be clean, righteous, and renewed in our commitment to God. We have looked at ourselves and our relationships in our homes, extended families, ministry, school, or job. We have fixed things with everyone. We humbled ourselves and said, “Hey, you know what I have done this wrong or that wrong.” I shouldn’t have said this or that. Will you forgive me, I am sorry. True repentance results in a radical and persistent pursuit of holy living, walking with God in obedience to His commands.

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Repentance Leads to Renewal, Reconciliation, and A Renewed Commitment

We must be intentional in searching our hearts to see how far we have strayed away from God, to see what things we have left undone, what relationships need to be restored, and who we need to forgive. As we turn back to God with our whole hearts. We look at those areas in our lives that have been long overdue to get a checkup. Have you ever put off an annual checkup at the doctor? You know you need to go, but just don’t get around to it. There are times because of a lack of due diligence, the doctor may give us a not-so-favorable report. As we come to the end of the year, I believe that the Lord has been tugging at our hearts. We have been looking in the mirror of the Word, and what we see hasn’t been lining up with the Word. We don’t like it, and we are going to make changes to get right with God. When we ask God to search us, He will do just that. We want our minds to think as God does and not the world.  We are asking God to reveal to us those hidden sins we aren’t aware of. We just want to be clean, righteous, and renewed in our commitment to God. We have looked at ourselves and our relationships in our homes, extended families, ministry, school, or job. We have fixed things with everyone. We humbled ourselves and said, “Hey, you know what I have done this wrong or that wrong.” I shouldn’t have said this or that. Will you forgive me, I am sorry. True repentance results in a radical and persistent pursuit of holy living, walking with God in obedience to His commands.

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Rise Up!

To rise up above your situation requires faith “ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 What are you hoping for? What are you waiting for? What are you expecting to happen? While you are waiting for it to manifest act as if you have it already. Start making preparations for it I don’t see it but I believe it will happen. I don’t understand it but I know it’s going to work out for my good. When will you rise up above your situation? How long will you sit there? How long will you wait for someone to come and rescue you? How long will you feel sorry for yourself? How long will you blame others? When God has already given us the power to rise up. Can you imagine? You are in service and someone you have known for years of being lame and now they are instantly healed. For years of wanting to be healed, years of being rejected, years of not knowing who you are, years of living in confusion, years of living in rebellion, years of not knowing your purpose, you messed up, get over yourself. It’s time out for excuses. God knew it was going to happen, God knows what you were going to do or have done. It’s over; now rise up!

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Rise Up!…Continued

To rise up above your situation requires faith “ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 What are you hoping for? What are you waiting for? What are you expecting to happen? While you are waiting for it to manifest act as if you have it already. Start making preparations for it I don’t see it but I believe it will happen. I don’t understand it but I know it’s going to work out for my good. When will you rise up above your situation? How long will you sit there? How long will you wait for someone to come and rescue you? How long will you feel sorry for yourself? How long will you blame others? When God has already given us the power to rise up. Can you imagine? You are in service and someone you have known for years of being lame and now they are instantly healed. For years of wanting to be healed, years of being rejected, years of not knowing who you are, years of living in confusion, years of living in rebellion, years of not knowing your purpose, you messed up, get over yourself. It’s time out for excuses. God knew it was going to happen, God knows what you were going to do or have done. It’s over; now rise up!

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Shake It Off…Continued

Don’t let it latch to your soul. The betrayal, the heartache, the sickness, lack of finances, and friends that have walked away from you, it didn’t turn out like you thought it should. When we are in the heat of things, it can be overwhelming, painful, humbling, numbing, and disappointing. When it's up close,  personal, attacks from those you least expect and it makes us uncomfortable. It becomes our responsibility to not let it not cause harm to where we lose faith, fall back or we are hard on ourselves. Stop believing the lies of the enemy. There’s no hope, there is no use, it won’t get any better, I can’t do it and it won’t work.  “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you”. I Peter 4:13 A trial comes to try you. The word lets us to know that the trial is coming. We are shocked when things happen but it’s a part of this Christian journey. It is not strange. We have been called out to catch it. When it comes your way what are you going to do about it?

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Shake It Off

Whatever you may be going through shake it off. Don’t let it get in your mind. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:5 You have to cast down those thoughts. They don’t like me, they don’t love me, they don’t appreciate me, they have rejected me. You meditate on the hurt; then it gets in your heart. Now you treat them differently. When you become offended and allow it to latch on to your soul. Now you have a problem with them, your behavior has changed towards the person. It’s your problem and not theirs. They don’t even know they have offended you. So who is wrong in that? The other person has gone on with their life. You have to rise up and shake it off.

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Getting What You Need

There are times when our back seems to be against the wall in our minds. We don’t have what we need at the moment and it leads to frustration. In order to get what you need, you are going to have to put yourself out there so to speak. It’s up to you to make a move towards what you need. Sometimes you have to take it in order to get it. Wishing for it or hoping someone can read your mind is just wishful thinking. In other words, you are going to have to get yourself out of the way and put yourself out there if that makes sense. We can find ourselves emotionally depleted due to our current circumstances. Due to mismanagement of funds, due to not knowing how to communicate effectively. Due to poor role models. Due to moving before God and now we have made a mess. Due to not having our parents in our lives. Due to choosing the wrong friends. There are many reasons why we don’t have what we want. Whatever your excuse is let’s stop making them and go for what you need.

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Becoming Fearless – Part 4

As Christians, there are times when we fear one another. We are good at quoting Scriptures but when it comes to living them out that is a different story. We fear being seen differently, we fear being talked about, we fear what others think about us, we fear being judged, we fear being ridiculed, and we fear others seeing us as being weak or who we are portraying to be. We should not be afraid of one another. As Children of God, children of the most High God, sisters and brothers in Christ. We are to be rooted and grounded in love. The only one we are to fear is God. We aren’t even supposed to fear God like we do in the natural with terror. We are to have awe Him. A profound reverence and respect for God. “We love Him because He first loved us”, I John 4:19. In order, to get rid of fear we must confront those areas that we have been hiding from. Fear is not our portion. It’s time to expose it and walk in true freedom. Let’s not allow the fear of man to hinder us from walking in the fullness of all who God has for us as His children.

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I Know My Worth

There are many who don't know their worth or true identity. You just don’t realize how valuable you are yet and God has great things in store for you. There are many gifts and talents waiting to be unearthed inside of you. There are many treasures locked away within you. You have an integral value that is yet to be discovered within you. It’s time to walk in your value and appreciate who God says you are. God has a plan for you and a great work for you to do. The world is waiting for you. The people that God has assigned to your life are lining up for you to serve them and they are waiting for you to heal. Your past may have been brutal but that doesn't define who you are or how God is ready to change your life for the better to appreciate who He has created you to be. Let this article soak into your spirit and rise up to love all of who you are.

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Becoming Fearless – Part 3

As Christians, there are times when we fear one another. We are good at quoting Scriptures but when it comes to living them out that is a different story. We fear being seen differently, we fear being talked about, we fear what others think about us, we fear being judged, we fear being ridiculed, and we fear others seeing us as being weak or who we are portraying to be. We should not be afraid of one another. As Children of God, children of the most High God, sisters and brothers in Christ. We are to be rooted and grounded in love. The only one we are to fear is God. We aren’t even supposed to fear God like we do in the natural with terror. We are to have awe Him. A profound reverence and respect for God. “We love Him because He first loved us”, I John 4:19. In order, to get rid of fear we must confront those areas that we have been hiding from. Fear is not our portion. It’s time to expose it and walk in true freedom. Let’s not allow the fear of man to hinder us from walking in the fullness of all who God has for us as His children.

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