This is an example of an advice column.

Dear Auntie Mama, I am having issues with my grown son taking care of his responsibilities. He needs to get his own place, and he drags his feet. Though I try to be understanding, he acts entitled. What can I do to help my son without crushing his self-esteem? Thanks, Mom in Need.

AuntieMama: Dear Mom In Need, Auntie understands how you feel and how you want to make sure your son is not offended by what you need to tell him, but niece, it’s time for him to grow. As parents, nurturing is the backbone of who we are, but today, enough is enough. You have obviously grown weary of the situation, and you have the right to protect yourself. Here is what I would suggest you do. 

  1. Have a sit-down talk and ask what his vision is for the next 30 days of his life.
  2. Give him some direction on what he can do to move toward that vision.
  3. Give him a deadline to implement, i.e., 30, 60 or 90 days.
  4. Don’t back down; stay strong and help out your house.

This helps you move toward having your son out of your house.

Be blessed, good luck, and know that God is watching. Love, AuntieMama

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