7 Verses: Hope And Encouragement For After The Election

The 2024 election season was a whirlwind, leaving me both relieved and reflective now that it's over. The constant barrage of robocalls, surveys, and canvassers felt overwhelming. Coupled with the often misguided commentary on the church's role, it was a truly exhausting experience.

Election 2024 … Le sigh.

In attempting to remain an impartial journalist, I will simply say that I am glad this election season is over! The robocalls, the intrusive surveys sent by text or annoying calls, people canvassing and asking who you are voting for … it was all overwhelming. Add to it the commentary of the church and unchurched about the church and what we should be doing as Kingdom Citizens, a lot of which was not biblical and somebody’s opinion. I digress … it’s just been a bit much to deal with. Or perhaps that’s just my stance. 

By now, it’s no secret that Donald Trump is President-elect of the United States again. For some, it’s completely saddening, maddening, and more. For others, it’s a win. Some of us may be ambivalent. There is so much to get lost in with this. I find my solace in hymns. “Build your hope on things eternal. Hold to God’s unchanging hand.” UNCHANGING hand. The rulers of lands change, the laws of lands change, and people’s expectations change, but God never changes. While levels and various emotions are involved, here are some scriptures to remember as we navigate the next few weeks and the next 4 years.

1. Act as Salt and Light: Matthew 5:13-16 gives us marching orders for how to proceed in the times ahead. Let your light shine in all that you do. Show the goodness of the Lord in your deeds and in such a way that it brings others to Christ. Remember, in discussions of discourse and the affairs of our land, while we have our thoughts and opinions when sharing with mixed company, reflect God’s love, justice, and righteousness in and through you.  

2. Seek Justice and Care for the Vulnerable: The Bible repeatedly calls believers to seek justice and care for the marginalized, including widows, orphans, and foreigners (Isaiah 1:17, Micah 6:8). During election season, we can support policies and leaders who work toward equity, compassion, and protection for society’s most vulnerable members. After election season, especially for those of us in business, even if the leaders of the land are not those who consider these groups, it is our job to do so. We can go into schools and communities and create outreach opportunities to share the love and message of Christ with those who are or may be overlooked in every other aspect of life in America.

3. Promote Peace and Unity: Romans 12:18 encourages us to live peaceably with all men, and Matthew 5:9 tells us that because we seek peace, the Lord will bless us. We should work towards unity rather than division in all things and in as much as possible. One thing this last election season was not short on was division and divisive tactics. Now that it’s over, someone has to begin to build the bridge to reconciliation. As the song says, “Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.” It starts with us. 

4. Pray for Leaders: The Bible directs us to pray for all those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Regardless of election outcomes, we can influence our communities and nation through consistent prayer, asking God to guide leaders to act justly, wisely, and with compassion. We must become the intercessors called for in 2 Chronicles 7:14, humble ourselves, seek His face, and pray. For those who are prophetic or operate in the office, we must be responsible with the things God has revealed and will reveal to us. In all things, pray before releasing. Warnings may be necessary, but we do not want to create unnecessary anxiety and havoc.

5. Remember the Ultimate Mission: While governmental involvement can be essential to serving the community, remember we are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Our primary mission is always the Great Commission—sharing the gospel and making disciples. Our engagement in government should be an extension of this mission, seeking to bring God’s love and truth into the world. If you are called to this mountain, it will be important for you to stay before the Lord in guidance for all things. For those who are not, we are the hands and feet of Jesus here on Earth. The policy and lawmakers are charged to do their part; we are charged to do ours. 

6. Exercise Civic Responsibility with Discernment: Participating in elections is one way to steward our responsibility as members of society. Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us to pray about everything and worry about nothing. Our exercise in civic responsibility should be guided by prayer, wisdom, and discernment. We should seek to support candidates and policies that align with biblical values while understanding that no candidate or policy will be perfect. We must also remember that, as with everything, it will be of utmost importance to lean not to our understanding of politics, time, and situations. We should be knowledgeable but remember that our decisions are rooted and grounded in the word of God. Additionally, it is crucial not only to vote in the presidential elections but also in smaller races in our towns, districts, cities, and states that are held yearly and every two years. 

7. Engage with Humility and Respect: If there is no better time to exercise and put into application Colossians 3:12, matters of political discourse are. We must clothe ourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Discussions on political issues and policies should be approached humbly, recognizing that people may hold differing perspectives. From the purview of my social media timeline, there was not much of that happening, especially among YouTube commentators. We don’t need to turn on each other within the body. We should all have the same goal, and although disagreements will happen because we’re all individuals, humility, respect, gentleness, and patience are always in order. 

I chose these scriptures because this piece initially started as what we could do before the election. While these things were true before the election, they remain true after and always. If you need more encouragement or guidance, I also suggest the following passages:

  • The book of Proverbs (read one a day)
  • The book of Psalms (2, 18, 23, 34, 37, 61, 62, 91, 100, 106)
  • The book of James
  • 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5
  • The book of 2 Thessalonians

If you still need to develop a study time, now is the time to create one. We must gird ourselves in the word and teach it to others, especially our children, but that’s an entirely different article. Now is the time to amp up our study time and relationships with God. 

God’s word and our commitment to fulfilling His will in our lives, the lives of our children, and others in the world at large do not change. Yes, there is uncertainty, threats of cuts, and all types of ”plans” being shared and looming, but our hope lies in that which is eternal: God’s unchanging hand.

Have more verses and encouragement to share? Drop your favorites in the comments!

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