When Does Morning Come?

When does morning come? That is the question many ask. They forget what is said before it. All they want to know is this, when is morning coming? When will the suffering be over? When will the pain cease? When will the heartache be gone? When? You are going to have to go through something to get to the joy.

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Don’t Think…Just Do

Every day it seems like I am adding something else to the plate. I said God I need help with this. I am feeling very overwhelmed God. I need help with narrowing things down. I need help with prioritizing and then just basically motivating myself to do it. Because let’s face it, God, there are times I want to say that’s it. I am not doing anything else. I’m tired. I’m over it. I’m done. But you can’t do that, you must find a way to keep it moving. And that is why I called on God, my Heavenly Father. I needed His help. I needed His guidance. But what I received as a response was not what I was expecting.

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Cast Out Your Nets

Stop casting out your net and coming up empty. Cast out your net and receive all that I have for you. Cast out your net and speak God's Word over your life. Cast out your net and take God at His Word. Cast out your net and walk in your healing. Cast out your net and walk in your breakthrough. Cast out your net. God is saying try me, TRUST ME. Cast out your net.

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